In all the newsletters that we send out, we want to send resources from what we're both learning and experiencing in missions, so hopefully we can learn together:
Resources from the Contemplative Activism Workshop:
- Liturgist Podcast on Advocacy (Ep. 22)- I felt this podcast covered well some of the complexities of contemplative activism that we discussed in the workshop- plus interviews from one of my inspirations, Christina Cleveland (any of her videos are incredible resources)
- Blog: Contemplative Prayer When You're Busy- "breath prayer" was highlighted by a fellow student in the workshop- she highlights a few helpful tools if you're interested in implementing contemplative works in your life:
- Download app: Pray As You Go (Ignatian Spirituality daily meditations)
- Even setting an alarm at every couple of hours to start to help establish this habit is a good first step
- An extension of the Liturgist podcast I mentioned above, there are weekly meditations that are $5 / monthly
- Suggested Read: Soulful Spirituality: Becoming fully alive and deeply human - Dr. David Benner
- Download app: Pray As You Go (Ignatian Spirituality daily meditations)
- Learning from Rene August (Anglican Priest from Cape Town):
- Learning from Jarrod McKenna (Pastor and Activist from Australia):